Saturday, March 15, 2025

Out In The Mainstream Of Mathematics (Part Three)

 Catch us way way out there like Brotha O mentioned in the mix at the podcast.

We're out here in the mainstream of mathematics doing the prognosis: analyzing the situation with respect to the present, future and the past!

Sounds will blast accompanied by this good word; we're four five sixing it trying to diagnose / analyze the situation.

Flexible, operating out in local, national, international and intergalactic frontiers at a close distance but still social distancing.. 

...Covid 19 is still alive in 2025 but we're still all the way live! its not easy, actually a quandary contrary to beliefs.

So what's up? some will shuck and jive but like Terrible  / Terrific Tuesday where things can go either way tragedy or success?  one achieves!

So what's up? we're still out here in the mainstream of mathematics trying to achieve something but will it qualify us for sanctification?

So what's up? the saga  / struggle continues aided by fanatics acting like new type gangsters aka these DOGE and Trump associates running the nation.

So what's up? out here in the mainstream of mathematics these endeavors could be out there  flying sky high reaching a zenith..

..or could be chilling in a tomb with nothing happening / going on;  dead on arrival?

Some may need the healing process to take place, they could be processing a cosmic karma payment.

Check out the conduct, a Full moon in Virgo / Lunar Eclipse byproduct, was it a bad moon rising?

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