Thursday, March 20, 2025

Monsieur van Pratt - Disco Fever

 Digital Crate Digging Continues retro futuristic is how we're living on this Throwback Thursday  / Thankful Thursday!

The saga  / struggle continues at the moment per an ongoing hustle knock from thought and fashion police but all we can do is let the music play...

...handling Spring Equinox type of business, we're rocking this on local  / national  / international and intergalactic frontiers!

Out here in the mainstream of mathematics during Lent Season  / Ramadan; a lot of moving parts but once again its on as Brotha O steers...

...the mothership to a safe haven  / safe harbor while dropping this disco funk from Monsieur van Pratt off the Illegal Disco project with a track called called Disco Fever!   

This  is courtesy of WaxOn! once again it's on! check us out as we get retro futuristic with this  old school / brand new disco funk, maybe we'll influence a non-believer! 

Check this out at Monsieur van Pratt - Disco Fever

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