Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Adversity Anniversary (Part Eight) It's Another One!

 Check us out as we proceed and continue on this so called Terrible  / Terrific Tuesday where things can go either way!

It's a blessing to be here so we claim the terrific outcome especially since it's what I refer to as an Adversity Anniversary aka my birthday...

...in the midst of this Scorpio Season so who'll work with me? its rough out here, in the sport there's a lot of treason but aching beauty was found in the ongoing beautiful struggle.

Per previous adversity anniversaries we're aware of the Seasons / Reasons; soon all the missing pieces will fall into place.

Damn! as I mentioned earlier we picked up the pieces like AWB now even in the unhallowed ground we were comfortable.

Especially after comfort zones became uncomfortable, Gaza Strip type of drama jumped off; the Titanic? I jumped off as the rage left, it's gone; soon we found missing peace. 

Work is still put in by the Brotha O-Zone, pulled my jersey from out of the stadium rafters now I'm back in the game!

Flipping the switch on, so once again it's on! staying on point though, I mentioned earlier that it's all game!

Per this adversity anniversary? it's a blessing to be here but I see many are caught up in the system  / matrix / game; out there, but they soon vanished without a trace.

Adversity university graduates? from here in Atlanta to the Mideast and to Ukraine many are in pain! some say it's due to geopolitical issues here and there.

What? damn! per this polar vortex is that the north wind at my door / drama in my face?

Right at my doorstep, thats how the sport gets as reality will bring it right there! per Halloween is the witching hour here? 

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