Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Spiritual Significance In This Operation, It's Our Obligation (Part Six)

 We're handling breakbeat scientific business on this Terrible  / Terrific Tuesday where things can go either way!

We're claiming the terrific outcome, there's spiritual significance in this operation check out how we play...

....or rather work as we put in the work; digital crate digging continues plus this composition? it's a summary or culmination of silent lullabies.

The position? Brotha O is on the case! I'll prescribe medicine like a doctor, dedicated to the truth games /  no lies.

Facts? oh yes, due to the spiritual significance in this operation this scribe will write or transcribe them.

Reality? like the Full Moon In Gemini shining through my window last night it had plenty of internal and external stimuli to supply so wanted and unwanted changes enlightened him.

It excited him so he felt he had an obligation to drop this breakbeat science but wishing it was a simple thing; damned if we do or don't do this or that thing so its rough out here!

We're rocking the nation, actually the universe to local  / national  / international and intergalactic frontiers? we're taking it there!

While we were out there we stayed in our lane, we were warned previously; don't take it to the bridge per James Brown band instructions, don't cross the river!

But some lacked spiritual discernment check how they worked it;  the hard headed were intent on finding pleasure.

Or even treasure; now caught up in the system / matrix where there is no spiritual significance; a heart lost in that part of town?

The atmosphere was abnormal plenty of storms will blow through; it wasn't sacred ground.

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