Sunday, September 08, 2024

Build It And They'll Come (Part One)

 Reflecting on this Sunday morning; thought about a catch phrase I heard, something about build it and they'll come!

But per my Louisville  / Newburg default settings  / upbringing I was wise to the whole set up, it looked like something that would make us come undone!

What's the deal? once again its on, Brotha O mentioned something about an Elaborate Fantasy earlier, he even had to reload the track to Mixcloud.

What's the deal? he's just a breakbeat scientist doing what he does, per Eric B and Rakim it might even be something that will move the crowd!

Build it and they'll come? I don't know, malls are empty that brick and mortar game has gone sideways!

Please! everyone is ordering things online now Amazon and FedEx trucks are rolling up and down there highways..

..along with Swift trucks in the way holding up traffic meanwhile I'm rolling down I-20 in Atlanta listening to Traffic as Sunday Jazz Continues!

Build it and they'll come? the I-20 Chronicles are up and running once again its on check the menus.. we rock these venues; naysayers claim it's nothing but a big Elaborate Fantasy when this good word is dropped and the sound plays!

They say it's just a waste of time, since the NFL football season just started as I write this they said I need to run new plays...

...especially since winds of change are blowing, Fall?  with the Equinox on deck a new season is being ushered in!

I guess we're building it so they can come; an Elaborate Fantasy with this good word and Percussions  / Repercussions? 

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