Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Build It And They'll Come (Part Two)

 Check us out as we come through on this Terrible  / Terrific Tuesday where things can go either way! this is word from a veteran now coaching but admitting every play we run is not a good one..

Armageddon approaching, Brotha O visualized the sequence everyday is not a good one..

Broth O? advised to build it and they'll come but is it a hood one? government one? church one? suburban one? everyone will get hit up!!

So whatcha know about a good one? thought and fashion police mentioned an Elaborate Fantasy per this good word and brand new funk as we proceed and continue we can't let up!!

Advised to build it and they'll come per the Field Of Dreams one of James Earl Jones shining moments but we know the enemy was full of plots and schemes! I was out there zoning / doing the knowledge / listening to silence.

So what's up with it? pandiculation occurs, back on default settings per a reset; now I'm ready to go!

The healing of the spirit was not complete but now I'm recovering, accidents happen; I got over the malice.

Not through dealing, advised to build it and they'll come but during the process? wondering whether we're being built or torn down but soon discovering, is it due to the reborn hope?

Not through dealing adviced to build it and they'll come so we're on a mission that O-Dog Day Partyer / nightshift wordsmith is back!

Check the volition, kitsune style! damn! it seems Brotha O has the knack?

Check the thermometer, it's hot, but what's up with naysayers, no climate change / global warming?

Words mahogany colored due to the heat! the thought and fashion police issue warnings as we span the globe brainstorming!

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