Saturday, September 14, 2024

Build It And They'll Come (Part Three)

 Advice was received from Mr. Cole up in Louisville warning us about this rat race / dog eat dog world!

Also on this Saturday morning we reflected on advice from old schooler Abdullah from up that way who also told us build it and they'll come like the Field Of Dreams? so we've got this good word and the drum ready to rock the world!

Actually the universe, on this local / national / international / intergalactic format; putting work in, plots / schemes / concepts of a plan were in abeyance.

Trying to build it so they'll come while being built or torn down per debatable circumstances; fulfillment? I don't know, maybe spotted per clairvoyance? Make your mark I was told but we weren't in compliance so opportunities avoid us; out here losing our minds? Going through this acting like I knew this but it seems we're lurking behind.

Going through this but working it out using mind body and soul; they told us if we build it they'll come..

..even if it's an Elaborate Fantasy but my constituents will understand me when I drop this good word and the drum.

They know the nightshift wordsmith / O-Dog Day Partyer is back and you'll get the best of me.

They see it's a Heat Of The Night situation like Detective Tibbs there's no rest for me some will have a test for me.

Brotha O? coaching like Thibbs with the Knicks building that and this while jokers roll like Trump with concepts of a plan to break me based on truth or lies?

Playing the Truth Game but we knew it was all game; success during the intrigue? negativity one defies.

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