Monday, September 23, 2024

Build It And They'll Come (Part Six)

 We're putting in work on this Monday morning / afternoon!  per the Field Of Dreams we were advised to build it and they'll come!

Putting it down like this? check the byproduct from these breakbeat scientists, dropping this good word and the drum!

Once again its on as we interrupt very briefly; more advice received? leave nothing left unsaid I'm told..

..per this science  / mathematics  / good word aka poems written by this nightshift wordsmith.

If only I could; Brotha O is code switching plus operating like a Navajo Code Talker; between the lines? the rejoinders are cold.

Fall Equinox by product now on the shelves or maybe delivered by Amazon / FedEX or even UPS? maybe on these harvest moon nights priorities will shift.

Brotha O rocks the blue collar style like an old school Detroit auto plant or Pittsburgh steel mill worker trying to build it so they'll come!

Name stitched on the dark blue uniform, steel toed shoes and a hardhat white a lantern on top, once again its on!

Work is put in building it so they'll come! harvest time per the Fall Equinox; a switchblade September?

Augment it with a machete, weaponized against those out here building an Elaborate Fantasy? we chopped our way through the wilderness.

Argument with a snake in the grass mentioned by Midnight Star? our backs were against the wall so we'll behead or dismember!

Tasks? trying to build it so they'll come "ain't nothing nice" so they're daunting / haunting; what a mess!

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