Tuesday, September 03, 2024

The Healing Of The Spirit Is Not Complete (Part Ten)

 The healing of the spirit is not complete so we're taking effective action on this Terrible  / Terrific Tuesday where things can go either way!

We're working it all out claiming the terrific outcome then check the celebration as we let the music play!

Took time off to heal, pray and play per the Labor Day holiday but the healing of the spirit is not complete; overnight? I was wide awake leaving me to wonder is this a simulation? 

Plus I keep wandering deeper and deeper into it; I was previously out on the margins /  outside the box but check out this situation! 

All of us were keeping that same old feeling like Side Effect ignoring sirens and other stimuli that provided a warning. 

Now out here taking a loss like we're in the Olympics or on Ozempic or Wegovy  even dealing with the side effects! act like you know me as I drop this byproduct from brainstorming...

...after spanning the globe brainstorming affected by global warming dynamics with temperatures rising and it still being a cold world!

Still broadcasting live and direct from our remote outpost out off of I-20 in Atlanta undergoing the healing process after all the drama unfurled.

The healing of the spirit is not complete! Brotha O? sometimes feeling dirty, unworthy of a seraphic embrace.

The healing of the spirit is not complete! Brotha O with the wildlife profile? we know the devil and his advocates style, his character they'll try to assassinate.

Is it too late? he's in search of a positive outcome / maybe a safe haven  / safe harbor.

Persiflage is heard no encouraging word, some hope he'll come undone; hatred they harbor!

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