Sunday, June 05, 2022

Putting Work In / Paying The Price : But It’s Business As Usual (Part Nine)

 Blessed to see another Sunday morning, we’re not out here “buking and scorning” ; even though it’s considered a day of rest we’re still putting work in!

Still paying the price, due a refund or rebate but society will still hate! corporations are price gouging the real cause of this inflation. 

Check the situation as we drop this good word; its not poetry anymore, it’s more like a peace treaty.

It’s of loose leaf / paper and ink, or of this iPhone; putting work in making it official / authentic? Peace made with the past / present; like hood routines / rites / rituals on the ground we poured whiskey. Instead of bloodshed like in Yemen or Ukraine, or from Buffalo to Uvalde Texas; war? we fought but we escaped it.

Some are misled / waiting in the dark; the media taped it; fantastically tactless, no emotion is shown but that’s how the message is delivered.
Evil ones we’re putting it down like that, check the information overload per persuasions / doctrines of paper and ink, via phone / text / e-mail. Or non-verbal, bi-polar or even polar vortex renderings! global warming is present / the temperature is rising but it’s cold out here, some shivered! In the dark or in painted light, at the end of the day it’s gotta be good so some gain insight; reality? it’s no fairy tale.

The mothership will sail through this treacherous atmosphere from Atlanta to Louisville / Newburg on over to Johannesburg and on out to Pluto and Mars.

We’re putting work in / paying the price but it’s business as usual even though we have the bruises and scars.

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