Friday, April 08, 2022

What It Do? We Still Felt The Pressure (Part Seven)

 What it do? on this Fabulous Friday where it’s a blessing to be here we still felt the pressure, it was just them that was feeling it but I am too. 

Changed the title to this thread from they to we, my constituents can see they know what it do!

Oh! we’re still retro futuristic with it on a Flashback Friday broadcasting live from our remote outpost out off of I-20 in Atlanta but we’re out in the world! even though it’s rough out here with wars and rumors of wars per Matthew 24 : 6 but  it always feels like home, it’s all love.

I reciprocate, sounds are blasting plus returning the vibe felt with a bracelet of words, it’s all love! Genuine / authentic not gold plated like flea market jewelry! but we felt the pressure some will act brand new with me saying we’re out of control chasing the wind. Even chasing shadows, per the grey area scenarios out there where the lines blurred / blend.

Chasing shadows at night? unfortunately, might even catch me out here rocking dark sunglasses. 

Shadow boxing entities that are shadow banning while per the rise of inflation corporations are scamming; it’s like this and like that as I arrived at the dawn of darkness.
We felt the pressure while out here trying to make advances, heart racing as the embroidered nightmares continue. We recognized the pattern while watching the clock, waiting for the end of the hustle knock! I’m so sick of these drop down menus.

We clicked the wrong buttons like other punishment gluttons; what it do? we still felt the pressure!

Now we’re out here hitting reset buttons returning to default settings? but still feeling it like Ukraine invaded Russia!

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