Friday, August 16, 2024

Defected Radio Show Hosted by Rimarkable 16.08.24

 Digital Crate Digging Continues as we proceed and continue with this O-Dog Day Party; this is the Flashback Friday  / Fabulous Friday segment!

The saga  / struggle continues, the science dropped is appropriate for any time frame, can you dig it? 

Avoiding crooks out here trying to rig it like Benjamin Netanyahu concerning a cease fire in the Israel Hamas War; what? certain outcomes check out how we fight back with these drums.. this good word letting y'all know what occurred after doing the math finding answers  / quotients / products / sums.

The energy hums due to good and evil colliding  / coinciding where one step forward can lead to taking two steps back!

Or even a good thing riding along with a bad think, something about a James Brown Big Payback? 

No wayback machine but check the Flashback Friday business coinciding with Fabulous Friday energy as we drop this Defected Radio Show Hosted by Rimarkable 16.08.24!

Check out the playlist and the mix as we get breakbeat scientific letting y'all know the score! 

Check this out at Defected Radio Show Hosted by Rimarkable 16.08.24

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