Sunday, August 04, 2024

Truth Or Reality As We Know It (Part Eight)

 Coming through on this Sunday morning that's shifted to the afternoon but the science dropped is appropriate for any time frame;  processing truth or reality as we know it!

It's a blessing to be here, appreciating this opportunity so we're nit trying to play The Truth Game and not trying to blow it... we show and prove it; check the activity / tantivy through these lines previously written on the loose leaf.

Workmanship like the production of pyramids in Egypt; some kind of a dangerous minds achievement?

Working it all out in the midst of the ongoing madness or truth or reality as we know! bravery shown by this poet aka nightshift wordsmith!

Writing like he's playing a funky piano as Digital Crate Digging or Sunday Jazz Continues; working it!

Working it all out without a doubt dealing with our truth or reality as we know it!

Working it all out! like I mentioned earlier its a blessing to be here, appreciating this opportunity so we're not trying to blow it!

Dealing with the the truth or reality as we know it going for even though the temperature is rising but it's still a cold world!

Not a Poindexter but like Buster Poindexter some are feeling hot hot hot after all the drama unfurled!

Dealing with the truth or reality as we know it? per global warming the climate  started balmy, I'm alarmed at how the drama will be!

Some misbehave, a heatwave? a  section of the song with broken melodies? 

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