Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Healing Of The Spirit Is Not Complete (Part Four)

 Once again its on as we show and prove on this Saturday afternoon / evening but the science dropped is appropriate for any time frame.

Once again its on as we stay on the move so jokers won't play us like the Delfonics and blow our minds this time, playing the Truth Game..

..aka truth or reality as they know it;  while others were waiting we kept it moving trying to activate the healing process even through the darkness on an onyx night.

Anita Baker and The Winans said it'll be all over in the morning so we're in search of daylight but damn! it'll be hard to penetrate the night!

The healing of the spirit is not complete, things aren't right! are prospects for hopeful outcomes dim?

Heard the galimatias or the "good game" talked by some like Trump at one of his rallies, but the way it sounds? they won't win.

The healing of the spirit is not complete so we're putting work in taking affective action!

Some are feeling this good word and digital crate digging continues per our Saturday Night Fever edition, we're all up in the action!

Some sounded like MAGA, something about the good old days with fading memories enhanced by the silver water? 

...aka vodka, along with clouds of weed smoke and the Kentucky or Tennessee  whiskey or even bourbon  aka that brown water.

Soon, because the healing of the spirit was not complete they're making mistakes to go along with everything.

Once was a mastermind now out of their damn mind; damn! they didn't know anything!

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