Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Healing Of The Spirit Is Not Complete (Part Three)

 Check us out as we come through on this Terrible  / Terrific Tuesday where things can go either way!

Check us out as Brotha O will drop this good word based on nightshift wordsmith type of business while he's letting the music play!

As I mentioned earlier "let us pray" the advice from the old school Baptist preacher from up in Louisville is utilized!

Especially since the healing of the spirit is not complete but per the Earth Wind and Fire ways of the world I'm not surprised.

There's always something; don't know what time things got dark and it clouded over but now there's a big storm.

Will it delay the healing process? I had to walk away / back away from the buffet just to breathe, it's not the norm.

 Damn! the healing of the spirit is not complete all of. us are going through something; when will all the darkness / smoke and mirrors be over?

 The gospel song said joy will come in the morning so we're waiting for daybreak; dreams / nightmares? not fake, some manifested; damn! when is it over?   

The healing of the spirit is not complete! some are out here questioning their mundane existence.

Said they were through dealing but advised to be as mad as a hatter, show some persistence..

..so you can make a difference; soon you'll dance with success!

Outcomes? they're awe inspiring per the Clark Sisters showing your highly favored /  blessed!

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