Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Healing Of The Spirit Is Not Complete (Part Six)

 Check us out as science is dropped on this Saturday morning once prime time for this blog!

We did the knowledge after issues came into play, soon we escaped the smoke  / mirrors  / fog.

But the healing of the spirit is not complete, we fight back!  digital crate digging continues plus we're still writing poems like we're in Metropolis working for the Daily Planet. 

The healing of the spirit is not complete, oh! our imagination is used but not taking reality for granted.

 A blue ink pen?  this is how I  compete! the device / weapon at the tip of my fingers.

Poems now on the laptop electronic thoughts transferred to the blog; Brotha O with this good word providing lyrics for rappers,  rhythm and blues or rock singers?

We didn't quit or stop we kept it moving until the healing of the spirit is completed.

We didn't quit or stop especially since the devil and his advocates competed.

They're introducing chaos and confusion! even the daughter of chaos was involved! she'll entice / seduce but breaking hearts is her mission.

Winning  / losing during the ongoing scrimmages, what  device are you left with /  so how are you living?

The healing of the spirit is not complete! some said wholeness was provided but the flow is interrupted!

The healing of the spirit is not complete! now trying to get over this, your soul corrupted.

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