Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Truth Or Reality As We Know It (Part Nine)

 Check us out as we come through dealing with truth or reality as we know it on this Terrible  / Terrific  / Tuesday where things can go either way!

Providing proof of positivity per claiming the terrific outcome, practicing what we preach like Barry White, soon celebrating  / letting the music play!

Also per Barry White now check the insight as we enter the void, or truth or reality as we know it; was it some kind of a forest? soon it's filled with a verse or two! 

Check this insight from our truth or reality as we know it; data from out in the universe processed so we're not stressed we act like we  knew!

Coming through in local  / national  / international and intergalactic frontiers maybe multiverses; dropping multi verses with this good word / poetry.

Coming through acting irrational with words of merit or data from bad dreams; how will the flow be? 

Coming through! some will act like they know me but the devil and his advocates stay busy, it seems like they're working overtime!

Damn it's all wrong but we'll remain strong with supreme courage and maximum strength, Brotha O? still out here going for mine!

Dealing with truth or reality as we know it; but opposition is met as the floor began to fall  through / fall away; damn! was it some kind of omen?

Was it representing our plans meeting opposition soon falling through? 

Dealing with the truth or reality as we know it; I can feel the breeze / winds of change blowing!

Oh yes, opposition is met as high and nether demons trying to play me? I'll govern myself according per the old school preacher up in Louisville  / I'll act like I knew!

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