The morale was low!!! some were on edge!! going for what they know!! all up in the spot!!
Plus the foul haven't slowed down!! they try to keep their front going!! benefit from our misery!! ..turning screws!! said they had the style that's hot!!
The aisle was full of hustlers and players! ...from street corner to Wall Street stock brokers....said they had the news!! word on the curb.
Whats up with us they ask? said we were like Comedy Central..a bunch of jokers!! said we had our chance..wasted time waiting on answers? said that's what they observed.
Told them the answer was in front of I looked up..told them my appetite was curbed..the food was being poisoned.
What it do? The Bell Biv Devoe theory on another level!! some even fell for that girl with the dragon tattoo!!
What it do? Some fell for the okey-dokey!!now they want to have a Tea Party!! ..the devil made them lose their poise.
Some said the devil made them do it!! what's up with it? Flip Wilson
The Devil Wore Prada
Heard Fire
O-Dog is a gun for hire!!! funk transformed on conveyors like an old school factory in Detroit or Pittsburgh during the manufacturing process.
...before all the jobs left of the world? a bruh is not mad at cha...mechanical or social engineering
Back with ya!! peeping game like Hubble Telescopes!! straight from the Himalayas!! thawing out? had to let it go like Teddy Pendergrass.
Another Love TKO!! has us saying prayers!! all up in the spot where reason gave way to madness.
But were back...even though morale is low..answers were in front of us as we looked dropping this on the masses.
Morale is low!! ain't no love? please!! it's got us conducting seminars and classes.
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