New World Order
Out of order signs ignored by the Mafioso!! it's going down from Killadelphia to the the Ville and Nasty Natti.
Whose entering the mode of least resistance? no boundary or border!! all zones hit up by the trilateral commission
Four track recorders blown up by O-Dog and O-Zone!! holla if ya here me!
Black man? society fears me!! like Obama's part of the problem but likes a bruh's steelo..they'll clone me!! microchips implanted.
It's trial by error....some fail..then reach comatose..but we're intergalactic; now the Mothership has landed!!
Whose on trial for the error? caused by a fanatic!! got to the point where they didn't try to figure it out anymore..soon out of it or landed in correctional facilities.
Whose foul with it? buttons pressed..hit the dial with it..horror and terror introduced...distorting realities.
On trial for it!! some try to encourage themselves like that gospel song.
What's the prognosis? reaching comatose.. lethal doses..hocus pocus!! it was magical.
Was it like Mel Gibson and Danny Glover? Lethal Weapons
Slick like Rick..or my homies Willie Flanagan and Little Ronnie!! back in the day? they kept it pimping.
Dealing with undercovers!! like Steve Thompson!! beatdowns like Rodney King!! soon limping.
Brothas work it out like Willie Hutch
Whose coming through in the clutch? it's about money dollar or the euro!! so there's no loyalty.
The new world order will be running things!! like Hutaree? who just contributes to the confusion?
Manipulating the masses!! haves vs have nots!! part of the mass konfusion.
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