Sunday, September 11, 2022

Mop Mop - Ash

Sunday Jazz Continues check these menus as we come through with this brunch edition, even though this meal is appropriate for any time period!

The saga / struggle continues, life goes on as the toil and strife goes on, mentioned before it’s a beautiful struggle! sometimes the chaos is even beneficial, can you dig it?

In the midst of the chaos and confusion we can get redirected to where we need to be!

Sometimes taking a loss is just a lesson learned at the end of the day, somebody can feel me!

Anyway; at the moment we’re jazzing it up! celebrating life!! we’re cruising down I-20 in Atlanta listening to this Mop Mop track called Ash!!

Check out the players and track!! you might even say we’re O-Dog Day Partying to this!! 

Check this out at  Mop Mop - Ash

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