Monday, December 07, 2020

We’re Getting Busy (Part Six)

 Check us out as Monday morning has pulled up on us; it’s business as usual, you’ll probably catch us getting busy! 

Check us out as we proceed and continue to handle business before it handles us , that’s what the deal will be!

On the road? out on I-20 here in Atlanta the Ford went vroommm but guides told us to zoom in to follow the light Robotic like Kelly Westworld Louffler? blind vision brokers? rolling like Trump with rigged elections rhetoric; that’s their mode as they mention the evergreen; per the Christmas holiday? it seemed to be fake / artificial tree insight I guess the joke is on us as we continue to get busy; tape couldn’t measure the pressure Escape routes blocked when we try to ride out! told to deal with the issue

Games were played like we were in Bubbleville  due to the bubble we’re in; soon tripping due to the trouble we’re in? like Trump vs Kemp bear witness to how being thrown under the bus can get!

Games were played but we’re still getting busy; O - Zone mentioned Bubble Wrapping back in the day as 2020 closes that’s how he’ll get..

Can I get a  witness? can I get a “what what” from those that know whats up? knowing what it do!

Knowing the system is corrupt; where’s the Covid Stimulus Package?   as I unpack this if you don't know you need to act like you knew!

So what’s up? we’re getting busy dealing with the situation!! once again it’s on!

Whatcha going through? that’s what they ask a bruh! I told them I'm chilling in the lab working with the drum.

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