Tuesday, March 08, 2022

The Derailment (Part Nine)

 The apparatus will try to test you; some passed the test, but now they’re mad because I failed it…

…purposely; the Lord showed me what my purpose would be, ironically after the train of thought’s derailment!

The tables turned after the lesson was learned especially if we’re paying attention to what’s going down! 

We need to drop in to see to see what condition our condition is per Kenny Rogers and The First Edition!

Especially on this so called Terrible / Terrific Tuesday where things can go either way!

We’re accenting the terrific outcome now check the celebration as we pull out the drum to let the music play!

How did others play? things were terrible! it took time to open the bottle mentioned by Gil Scott Heron, now they’re drinking..

..the liquid of midnight? something about getting their mind right , but what were they thinking? That mind is gone! the train of thought went off the rails, check the impairment / derailment! that mind is out there, somewhere between here and the moon. Some of them even spotted lavender ribbons in the sky like the Stevie Wonder tune.

Per the Larry Graham tune Sooner or Later they’ll get that train of thought back on the track!

In the meantime and between time we’re jamming, digital crate digging continues as play the sounds to help them really get their minds right when we “holla back”.

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