Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Next Level Dramatics PT.6 (The Saga / Struggle Continues)

2014...the saga / struggle long as were alive? we can expect that...

Whatcha working with? whats on these menus prepared by chefs in hells kitchen? expect next level dramatics...

...introduced by fanatics...fireworks go off like it was Dubai.. in Volograd Putin asks why?  it seems not a damn thing has changed...

O-Zone introduced these mathematics...I wasn't disputing the truth but some ask why?  ..they couldn't read between the lines...meanwhile O-Dog read the now the beats banged...

Similar to the gunfire in South Sudan?  for some the game is over while other jokers try to recover from hangovers...did they sign up for Obamacare? 

I'm down south in the ATL man!! taking over like Johnny Manziel and Texas A&M  coming back against Duke... as we take it there..

Things went south when we tried to take it to another level...but we prevail like The Ville and Teddy Bridgewater taking over O-Town...when they beat Miami..

Some said I was check the next level dramatics...its real!! is there a Bridge Over Troubled Waters per Simon and Garfunkel?  I can see how it goes down...but jokers were like Fox News vs Obamacare.....they'll try to lie to me...

Some said I was uncouth...but then they'll cry to me after the next level dramatics jump off.. after they were victimized by the Wolf Of Wall Street...

I was dedicated to the truth...kept my eyes on these fanatics...the wolf in sheep's clothing was a hacker trying to hit alt shift delete...

The saga / struggle continues...check the next level dramatics...some peeps fear and loathing will get the best of them...

2013 drama spills over into 2014...hows that working? check the karma..we know how that ends!! some will get whats coming to them....

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