Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Unhospitable Host (Scattered Thoughts Are Expelled)

 Thoughts were scattered,  but my mind was an unhospitable host. 
Bruised and battered egos led to dangerous minds!! hospital trauma wards were busy from Shands in Jacksonville to University in Louisville!! an unhospitable host?

Bruised and battered Negroes bragged and boasted!! Hillary Clinton mentioned super predators!! meanwhile  bread was toasted,  passed out to Katina Powell type hookers at the University of Louisville

..leading to sanctions, thanks man!! told to snitches that chit chattered!!  now swags / steelos were exposed,  but was it the real deal? 

What's the Real Deal Holyfield? players were told to play the field,  especially since baseball season started the other day.

Reality is an unhospitable host,  building during Aries season!!  setting off the supposed to be over with Uranus Pluto Square, so  how will a brotha play? 

Check out the rest ofthis article at  Random Thoughts From A Brotha: The Unhospitable Host (Scattered Thoughts Are Expelled)

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