Sunday, August 02, 2020

James Brown · The J.B.’s – Slaughter Theme

Sunday Jazz Continues on another hot 90 degree afternoon in the city of Atlanta..
Some will spaz, menus lack meals with nutrition, others are accused of acting brand new showing ambition like Kamala Harris? hard to understand another..
Some will razz others in these venues like comedians, sounding  likeNancy Pelosi losing confidence in Dr. Deborah Birx but America knows how it works; the Doctor is just trying to stay on the payroll…
Some will razz others in these venues like comedians, O-Zone? themothership just landed me back on earth like the NASA / Space X mission just landed in the ocean; still not feeling how  people like Elon Musk roll..
Please! we see how these jokers play / how they roll; meanwhile we’re sonic assaulting jokers like James Brown and The J.B.’s talking aboutSlaughter with Slaughter Theme…
Knowledge dropped by James Brown? “it’s time for the turnaround, change things from the front to back” ; “it’s a deal you can’t refuse” / if the hit man don’t get you then Slaughter will”; check out the track “so you can see what he’s saying” 

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