Friday, March 04, 2016

Back On Schedule / Still Moving Forward

I'm back on schedule, my fate wasn't altered by ecological ignorance!! I'm still moving forward..

I'm back on schedule, my fate wasn't altered by psychological belligerence per GOP Debates: contestants are like the lion from Wizard of Oz, a coward...

Who's eligible? a disqualified contestant hates on another like Romney vs Trump, McCain even added his two cents...

Who's eligible? I wasn't in the contest!!  they said my writing is not legible so I type this Captain's Log / Ledger on HP keyboards while O-Dog manipulates Roland and Yamaha keyboards, adding his two cents...

A public nuisance when this breakbeat science is dropped?  Clear Channel billboards tracking my movements as I dip down I-20 in Atlanta? 

...Similar to the domain awareness system in New York? the systems hoards per information overloads, but who will understand a brotha?

I'm back on schedule rebuking those with visions of enslavement  as they case the joint like drug overlords taking over new territory:  is it a Hostile Takeover?

I'm back on schedule rebuking those with visions of cloning as they gather DNA:  its not a  Maury or the Bill Cunningham Show  father determination or a hot style makeover.

....Word from Dr.Oz or Dr Phil or any doctor / or maybe Neo? days in the matrix over? hopefully soon.

Trying to move to the next level,  but battling the Wizard of Oz and The Matrix Architect, but the next devil plays this like its a joke or cartoon.

O-Dog hooks up a next level tune!! the trunk is rattling in the hooptie as he dips down I-20!  meanwhile O-Zone brings the *Good Word*

I'm back on schedule still moving forward, multi-dimensional: corporate / somewhat righteous / but also can be a Hood Thing but don't panic!!  Ecological Ignorance didn't alter the fate I'm hip to the environment!! I'm not a thug or drug dealer claiming to have the good herb..


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