Thursday, November 06, 2014

Confusion, Failure, and Frustration

 Confusion, failure, and frustration?  Oh Yeah!!! like the GOP running the House and Senate that's what we deal with!!

Confusion, failure, and frustration?  Oh Yeah!!! it'll provide fuel for the fire!! the mothership gets good mileage!! that's what we get ill with!!!!

Feel it as it consumes you!! please!!! jokers will talk the other way like Brad Paisley and Carrie Unerwood and other CMA jokers!! act like you knew!!!

Homie said he was full!! the style was retro paisley shirts and polyester slacks and Stacy Adams shoes!! supposedly running things in the hood but the game has changed; he was saying *It's Beyond Me* !! *What Shall I Do* ??

They respond to me like I'm a fool; but  O-Dizzle is jamming!! he doesn't drop the Purple Rain / Paisley Park type of stuff!!  the sport is complex so what's the reflex???

Reflex actions!! some will get what's coming to them!! what goes around comes around!! So What's Next????

Check out the rest of this article at  Random Thoughts From A Brotha: Confusion, Failure, and Frustration

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