Tuesday, October 01, 2013

The Shutdown PT.3 / What The What?

Its going down..jokers will shut it down like Republicans..now I’m asking the question;  what the what? 

Its going down….soon were all victims of circumstances  due to policies implemented by the corrupt! 

…..like Nathan Shady Deals that are cut;  some will even make side deals! 

The whole thing is Shady like a Grady!!  that’s the way this bruh feels! 

The whole thing is all gravy baby!!!  thats what a shady one said..that’s the deal!! sounding like pep talks from John Boehner….

The whole thing is shady…check out the grey area scenarios ….similar to lucid dreaming by Jared Loughner?   

Check out the rest of this article at The Shutdown PT.3 / What The What? | Whats Really Going On?

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