Friday, December 26, 2014

Still In Conflict With The World PT.7

                              through playing with them...

Through playing with them like Josh Smith with the Pistons!! the game is over!! time's running out!! I checked the clock...

Things?  I'm saying to them!! I'm going all out!! O-Zone is the wordsmith and check how O-Dog will rock...

Previous episode? damn!!  like hackers shutting down Sony X-Box and Playstation I told you I'm Still In Conflict With The World...

This world is Wicked per X-Files just check the styles; that knowledge? I kicked it in another  episode;  what's the mode? there's too much conflict in this world!!

Dealing With The Madness?  oh yeah!! so coping strategies are developed; I guess we can call them methods to the madness..

Realizing that I'm blessed!!  Deuteronomy 11:26? as meager as I think things are some might wish they had this!!!

Exercising diplomatic immunity as we move through the Babylon Wilderness;  during this Holiday Season we go back to an old concept of ours; we wear a hard-hat with a lantern on top..

....Like underground miners; battles are major like police brutality and like the Interview they're minor!! it don't quit and it don't stop

...Get indicted like crooked politicians for perjury and obstruction of justice.....

What's the response? you heard me? what about corruption by the apparatus?

What's the status? what goes on in Las Vegas won't stay there!!  TMZ is in town..

What's the status? jokers will fake this all day and everyday; It's Not About To Go Down!!!

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