Thursday, November 06, 2014

Breakbeat Scientific Plans Are Executed PT.2

 *Plans Are Executed* nosy ones think they know what's up!! but they don't know this one!!!

So called truth was disputed per Koch Brothers campaign ads; but I took the time to listen!!

I read between the lines;  soon the treasury is looted per the Ebola crisis and war drums per ISIS;  OhYeah!! this brotha is on top of it!!  I *Did The Knowledge*Did The Knowledge*

I read their minds;  it's all about money, power and greed;  that's easy to acknowledge!!!!

Good mileage? true indeed!! we got that on the mothership but bad mileage received by the Crown Vic; it's a gas guzzler! it's a V-8!!
Elixirs, Crunk and energy juices are drunk;  damn!! I even had  a V-8!!

Check out the rest of this of this article at  Random Thoughts From A Brotha: Breakbeat Scientific Plans Are Executed PT.2

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