Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Engulfed In Flames PT. 10 (Now A Construction Site)

 The structure was engulfed in flames!! corrupt ones still play games!! soon I heard *ashes to ashes and dust to dust*

Dude said that phrase wasn't in the bible, oh!! it was  borrowed from a few verses so who's liable? they'll have to pay up with the currency that mentioned *In God We Trust*

Official motto of the US; if the child has their own? God will bless!! that was word from Blood Sweat and Tears!!

Lotto player in the US? per the Powerball jackpot God will bless!! but until then?  this dude is putting work in blue collar style, with the blood, sweat and tears!!

The structure was engulfed in flames, now we'll try to rebuild it!! God is not through with us yet, check out the construction site..

I told you corrupt ones still play games!! they're not rocking lime green safety vests or hardhats and steel toed shoes!! jokers will rock Brooks Brothers suits at the corruption site.. 

Check out the rest of this article at Random Thoughts From A Brotha: Engulfed In Flames PT. 10 (Now A Construction Site)

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