Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Outback Chronicles (WordPress Edition)

Check out these Outback Chronicles posted up at here at WordPress!!  a new location,  for a limited time only.

Out of it for a minute but I’m back!! these and those dramatic episodes occur!!  might need a new vocation,  for a limited time only.

It’s on me to deal with it!!  on this Terrible / Terrific Tuesday I’m outback cutting grass,  my neighbors yard needs cutting too!

I would get it,  but barely able to do my own!! Don’t Ask My Neighbor per the Emotions?  being good samaritans corrupting you?

I’m cutting through high grass with a $99 Wal Mart lawn mower that barely runs; showing emotions?  good  Samaritans get gaffled by those cutting class back in the day,  it’s nothing!

I see it every day!! some *wannabe starting something* per Michael Jackson, all up in the action is  how jokers play!!  always up to something!!

Check out the rest of this article at The Outback Chronicles (WordPress Edition) | Whats Really Going On?

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