Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Humpday Special Edition...Let The Healing Process Begin - omanxl1's Blog - Blogster

....word from part of the conglomerate.....excerpts....

So whats really going on? the Holiday season is over..its rough for some..this is the aftermath; let the healing process begin!
What's the deal? danger zone residents have too much baggage..physically...emotionally....what's up with it? extra charges are imposed by airlines?...its on once again!
Clones provide Wikileaks they upload it to the database; please!! there's no where to run or hide!! now the machine is happy!
Tones werent in Iowa I heard the loud mouths.. so something fresh is batched up by a brotha..whose hair was once nappy!
Now rocking the baldy but still scrappy!! you have to be that way to survive!
O-Dizzle is rocking!! dedicated to the truth ...its his top priority!! plus crappy conditions are witnessed by the Brotha O-Zone when were Transmitting Live!

Humpday Special Edition...Let The Healing Process Begin - omanxl1's Blog - Blogster

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